Saturday, February 28, 2009


As I'm sure you'll have read, rachie has gone to get a job now. Well a mix between a part time job and with full time hours. What you may not know is that I have gotten a job as well xD Well for a month anyway.

It's been very blegh not being able to be with rachie baby when i wanted to, but now it's going to be even worse :( my only consolation is that I don't work alone, I don't travel alone (that'd be way.... too boring) and I get my rachie baby on the WEEKENDS!!! :) My favourite activity of the week!

Well, this post was to tell you that the 2 of us are now working, and that if you want to call either one of us, (especially her) ;P better call in the evening hehe (and sometimes not even then, I do want to spend some weeknights with her)